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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Regarding "Informational Derivation of Quantum Theory" by Chiribella,

Regarding "Informational derivation of quantum theory", "PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84, 012311 (2011)", Chiribella

I was provoked to cast Information Compression as an Iterated Function

So given a string S, of length L, find an iterated function F, that produces a new string S’ of length L’ where L’ < L.
One might also require an iterated function G = F-1 that takes S’ and produces S.
If such a G exists, then F would be called a lossless or invertible iterated compression function.

S = "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
L = 45

F1 = { s/ain/1/g }

S1 = "The r1 in Sp1 stays m1ly in the pl1."
L1 = 37

F2 = { s/he/2/g }

S2 = "T2 r1 in Sp1 stays m1ly in t2 pl1."
L2 = 35

F()  = F1(F2())
S' = F(S)
L' < L since 35 < 45

G1 = { s/1/ain/g }

G2 = { s/2/he/g }

G = G1(G2())
S = G(S')

F is invertible, iterated and compresses.

Sidebar 1: F can be packaged with S:

Sp = F + S = /ain/1/he/2/"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."

Next Step: Find an Iterated Function that performs Information Expansion

So given a string S, of length L, find an iterated function F, that produces a new string S’ of length L’ where L’ > L.
One might also require an iterated function G = F-1 that takes S’ and produces S.
If such a G exists, then F would be called a lossless or invertible iterated expansion function.

S = "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
L = 45

F = { s/[a-zA-Z]/[%3d]/ }

S1 = "084he rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
L1 = 47

S2 = "084104e rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.
L2 = 49

S' = "0841041010321140971051100321051100320831120971051100

L' > L since 135 > 45

G = { s/[%3d]/[a-zA-Z]/ }
S = G(S')

F is invertible, iterated and expands.

Sidebar 1: F can be packaged with S:

Sp = F + S = /[a-zA-Z]/[%3d]/"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."

In this context we call F, the "transcription apparatus".

Next Step: Show that the cost of mutagenesis is higher in the compressed case.

This is trivial and will be left as an exercise to the reader.

Source for F in Expansion Section:


/* convert any number to itself and any letter to a number */
/* hint add a comma to each phrase and watch intronic explosion */
/* hint remove the commas and watch loss of reading frame */
/* hint add triplets and watch need for reading frame */

int isNumber(int c)
    return ( ('0' <= c) && (c <= '9') );

void echo(int c)
    printf("%c", c);

void number(int c)
    printf("%03d", c);

    int i;
    int c;

    for(i = 0; (c = getchar()) != EOF; i++ )
        if( isNumber(c) )

    for(; (c = getchar()) != EOF;)